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this might be our first date but ...

let's go there



I'm chels,


A transformational artist, writer, mentor, and speaker. 

My mission is in devotion to God, sacred union, sexuality, and the muse. 

I am here to amplify all you came here to be. 

The truth of your voice into the world.

The depth of your love

The art of your mission.

The potency of your eros. 

I have spent the last decade of my life serving the feminine in all her facets and forms. 

Through massive sexual revolution, 6 figure launches, ecstatic death portals, breakups, holy marriage, birthing babies, rebrands, writing books, and everything in between. 

A doula for your dreams, and a master of transformation. 

I serve the emergent field and mystery like no other⁣.

Right at the leading edge is where my medicine thrives⁣,


because I am not a woman of repetition.


And you are not a formula to follow⁣.

⁣You are a mystery to unfold.

Peeling layer after layer off your skin⁣. 
Finding where replication is at its end⁣.
and where YOU truly begin. ⁣

We go deep, we get dirty, and we pray devotional. 

There are many paths to walk with me, and I am excited to find out which one you will take. 

xx Chels


choose your path

ways to work with me

self study

Take it at your own pace babe.

Do this intimate work in your way, and in your own time.

Pre-recorded content. 

group coaching


1:1 mentorship

Immerse yourself in an intimate container of sisters.

Pre-recorded content + live calls.

Access to private group with support from me.

Let's dive deep.

The most intimate way to work with me. 1:1 calls, Voxer support, + access to all my offerings during our time together.

get a taste here. . .


The Holy Heart
Somatic Ceremony Trilogy 

A FREE 3 part series of delicious and deep embodiment practices to drop you right into the heart, womb, and earth. 


The Holy Ache 

Opening your heart in deep longing and heartache.

The Holy Mess

The best rage/grief ritual ever.

The Holy Dance of Desire

Opening your entire body to desire until it brings you to your knees. 

get my love notes



Get early access to my offerings, exclusive discounts for my loves only, my most vulnerable and uncensored shares, and more.

from the
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I hired Chelsey when I was moving through a challenging season of my business & Life. And there was truly NO ONE else I would have trusted to hold me during that time but her. 

I only invest in women who I know can hold me in IT ALL. In business. In the depth of my emotions. In my relationship. In all of it. And Chelsey is THAT. 

I don't know what I would have done without Chels during this time. In a time where I'd forgotten my power - she was a fucking stand for IT! Her fierce love. Her masterful mentorship. Her devotion to calling me on my bullshit & re-rooting me in my power again & again & again & again. 

Chels held me through a big death within my business. And I'm forever grateful for the way she held me through it all. Never trying to rush me or get me to 'the otherside'. When I did 'emerge' I was clearer on my leadership, my direction, my gifts & my body of work than ever before. 

This woman is such a stand for TRUTH. 

She is DEEP. And she will take you DEEP. 

Deep into your power. Into your voice. Into YOU! 

So do not enter her world unless you're ready for TRUTH! 

Forever grateful for all your stand for, Chels.

You are the real deal. 

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Working with Chelsey was a completely life changing experience for me. I went into the container with the main intention being my desire to shift my business. But I got SO much more than that.


I had had success in my biz already, but was feeling burnt out and uninspired. I wanted to shift to an energy of ease and inspiration & within our time together, I created over $100k with ease in just a few months in my business, while only working a few hours a day, + ONLY doing what I love. I feel more excited about the direction of my business than I ever have before.


This all came after an extremely aligned (& also extremely terrifying) investment in mentorship with Chelsey, in a time period when I had purposely stopped ALL of my income streams.


Investing thousands after halting my income for 5 months, prob sounds crazy to most people, but this is my norm. I decide what I want, I find someone who already has it, & I pay them to support me on my way there.


I thought I was signing up for biz coaching, but I got an entire life transformation & experienced a huge death and rebirth. With Chelsey’s support I not only transformed my biz, but my entire life. Chelsey helped me to own my huge, scary desires and shine light on the places I was unconsciously keeping myself small. 


The physical money I manifested was the least of the abundance I was able to attract into my life in the last few months. My relationships have all deepened 10x. I feel more loved, valued and appreciated by the people in my life than I have ever experienced. My relationship to the masculine has completely shifted - the way the men in my life are showing up for me and desiring to support me has had me in tears multiple times.


My relationship with myself has also shifted - I released so much shame I didn’t even know I was holding, and feel more secure in myself & my intuition than I ever have before. And for the first time in my life, I feel that my worth is completely unattached to material or financial success.


Chelsey’s work is deep medicine. I don’t have words to describe the way she has helped me to shift my life, they all fall short. I am forever grateful….if you feel called to her in any capacity, trust yourself. 

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I worked 1:1 with Chelsey through one of the biggest transitions/rebirths of my life. The space she held for me was so unconditionally loving and safe which allowed me to go to deeper into my shadow than ever before. 

Her energy and guidance is so expansive and activating. Since our time together, I have been manifesting the most magical experiences in this new chapter of my life. She gave me the courage to detach from what wasn’t serving me anymore, and helped me hold the vision for my highest timeline as I moved through darkness.

This container really allowed me to do all the internal work I needed to do to go through this rebirth in a graceful and smooth way, while staying grounded and rooted into myself. And I am more confident in my business now than ever before. I am eternally grateful to have her as a mentor.


She is a blessing to this world.

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Dear Chelsey,

Working with you over the last 4+ months has been life-changing.

Who could have known during our time together I would ride some of the biggest waves life could throw at me…

I opened my first year long mastermind, which turned into a 6-figure launch with such power, alignment, and momentum.

And then during that launch, just days before Christmas, I found out my sister unexpectedly passed away, and it felt like the world stopped.

You were there every step of the way - with flowers, support, your love felt, even with you across the world. As I grieved her death, your weekends no longer mattered to you - what mattered to you was me knowing that you were there for me regardless of what day it was.

The greatest gift you gave me during our time together was the gift of unconditional love and support.

This reflection from another woman, someone who wasn’t intimidated by my power but stood to unleash more of it because she was rooted in hers, is something I had been searching for.

It’s rare that woman can lift other women to their highest potential, because sadly the energy of competition runs deep in many, and having experienced that before, you were a breath of fresh air.


With you, there was no competition.

You were not threatened by me, and I was not threatened by you.


This is the greatest gift any woman can give to another.

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How do you put into words something so powerful?


I came to Chelsey in search of expansion. I wanted to feel excited about my offerings instead of nervous and scared.


I wanted to step into my true self and share it with my audience.


She helped me find that! She witnessed me in all my dark places and helped me embrace it all.


She took me to my edge multiple times which then led me to multiple 6 figure launches. She supported me while allowing me to navigate my own medicine and offerings.


I am forever grateful for hiring her as a coach. 







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It’s honestly so hard to put into words the transformation I’ve gone through being held by this incredible woman.

I can hand on my heart say she is truly embodied into the frequency of unconditional love, and you feel that through everything she does whether you work with her or not.

Being in her presence you will be pressed up against edge after edge. But having Chelsey as your mentor allows you to soften into your growth and to make love to the discomfort, to feel it all instead of running away.

Through working together I was able to really craft my own medicine for this world. Through refining my own craft and stepping into my unapologetic power I went through a full initiation.

I own my uniqueness, abundance and have become the sacred artist of my reality. Knowing that anything I desire, is here for me to experience.

Before working with Chelsey, I was so addicted to trying to be “the best” in the industry, and in the process I lost myself. Because I thought to be successful I had to be like everyone else.

And now I’m devoted to actually just being alive and letting my magic come through the teachings of my life. Knowing the wisdom comes from my lived experience, not from a book.

Life gets to be so fun now. I went into the container wanting this to be the thing “that makes me lots of money” but feeling wealthy, happy and abundant surpasses any amount of $$$ in my bank. I’m all about having a RICH LIFE! Rich experiences, rich love, rich connections and rich sex.

Which really surprised me but the more the I live a rich life, money has no choice but to meet me there. Even today, after a few months since finishing with Chelsey, the magic still continues.  I feel so divinely supported by the universe today, and I can’t thank Chelsey enough for helping me bust free from victim consciousness and step into the woman I know I came on this earth to be.

life is your
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